FM200, Novec 1230, Inergen systems

When it comes to fire suppression, FM200, Novec 1230 and Inergen are all highly effective, non-toxic, waterless fire protection systems, which we can supply and install at your sites.
Activated within seconds of a fire incident occurring, they discharge gas or a mixture of gases into the air in order to lower the oxygen levels that keep fires burning.
Waterless fire protection systems are non-toxic and present no risk of damage to equipment.
VESDA and optical smoke/heat detection

VESDA (Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus) are laser-based smoke detection systems.
They work by continually drawing air into the pipe network via a high efficiency aspirator. A sample of this air is then passed through a dual stage filter. The first stage removes dust and dirt from the air sample before it allows the sample to enter the laser detection chamber for smoke detection. Such aspirating optical smoke detectors can typically detect smoke before it's visible to the naked eye.
Similarly, we can install optical heat detectors which use heat-sensitive elements to alert you to the presence of fire in your building.
VESDA specialists

At 4On, we've been installing VESDA systems into our clients' facilities for many years, as well as operating optical smoke and heat detection systems in our own data centres.
Whether your facility uses fresh air or hybrid ventilation, our experts are fully trained and always available at the end of the phone to help you with any queries or issues.
Design, installation and maintenance

Our expertise in designing and installing the right fire suppression and detection system doesn't come just from knowledge; it comes from years of experience in owning and managing our own data centres, with all the maintenance and upgrades that come with that responsibility.
You can rely on our skilled engineers to listen to your needs and work with you to find the right solution at the right price, to keep your facilities protected and your mind at ease.
Ready to chat?
To talk through your requirements or simply get some advice on an upcoming project, please get in touch.
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